A lawyer can do so much more for you than just plead a case in court. He can give advice, mediate, negotiate and defend. Do not wait until a problem escalates: contact your lawyer in due time and get his advice with each important step.
Without independent and competent lawyers, a just society with free people is unimaginable. In a democratic country like ours, all human beings are born free and with equal rights, but in reality, we all know that not everybody is evenly matched. The first task of a lawyer is to act as a spokesperson for people whose rights are threatened.
The more a society develops, the more complex the rules of social life. Individuals, tradesmen and companies are faced with legal documents in everything they do, such as contracts, laws and regulations. Of these documents, they rarely know the exact significance and scope. A lawyer can help them with this. Because he is professional, competent and discreet, he can play a vital role in every decision.
Thanks to his experience with litigation, he is the right person to give advice, to negotiate and to reconcile. In legal matters as in other affairs, the rule applies that "prevention is better than cure". A lawyer adheres to his professional secrecy, is loyal and has no personal interest in the cases he represents. This obviously makes him suited for the role of negotiator and conciliator. After all, a good deal is better than a bad lawsuit.
A citizen rarely has the necessary objectivity, serenity, legal competence and eloquence to be able to appear in court himself. Since time immemorial, the process parties have therefore relied on a professional spokesperson: the lawyer. He is trained to assist people in all courts and in all matters: civil, criminal, commercial, social,...